Oh dear $2 trillion in cash that the Democrats can’t touch and tax.
See, I have no problem with corporations or people wanting to keep more of their money because they tend to be the best users of it. Because it’s theirs, they want to take care of it. They don’t always succeed, but they do a heck of a lot better than putting it in the hands of the government.
But instead of trying to tax that money or close this loophole or that loophole, how about creating a system where they want to use that money to create jobs and opportunity. Instead of demonizing them, accusing them of ill intent, how about we try to lobby them to invest in America? How about lowering the corporate tax rate or simplifying the tax code so that it’s just too much of a bother trying to avoid taxes? If we lowered the tax rate to a more competitive level, then maybe they wouldn’t feel like moving somewhere else. If we promoted competition and destroyed barriers to doing business, we will find corporations ready to invest and hire.
Because many corporations would rather put that money to good use. They would rather try to create something, try to use it to make a buck, which creates more opportunity for everyone.
See, that $2 trillion is not yours. You don’t have a right to it. It’s not the U.S. government’s. It’s theirs. And unless they see a way to create something with that money, they ain’t doing nothing with it, no matter how many loopholes you close or tax rates you raise.