Not to reintroduce politics into this discussion but I read an article about the financial collapse in Greece and a middle aged man was commenting on the lack of entrepreneurial spirit among the countries young employees which have been dubbed the 700 generation. I have referenced the article below. I wonder if our increased government intervention into many areas of our society is also going to lead to similar results in the future. Many on the left in Europe for generations wanted to end the scourge of the wage slave but it appears to be alive and well among the 700 generation in Greece. Not exactly what I beleive were their original intentions.
I bring this up in reference to the previous posts regarding the personalty and role of entrepreneurs in our culture and modern society. Not to introduce a liberal/conservative discussion.
To bring this back on topic; did the 700 generation not know what they should have known but they could not have known because they have not known it any other way in their country?