Messed up. This is a dup, but meant to add the bolded part below.
[quote=njtosd][quote=CA renter]…
The younger women are smart enough to look at the experiences of these women instead of following the rhetoric of the feminists who have destroyed the family unit, made women and children even more vulnerable, and denigrated the very important work that women have traditionally done. May they (collective feminists, not you personally) rot in hell. They have destroyed so many lives.
At least the feminists are self-extinguishing as fewer of them have children; and when they do, it’s often one or (maybe) two. The feminist movement cannot die soon enough.[/quote]
Wow. I don’t know that I am anything that ends in -ist. I guess I’m somewhere between CA Renter and BG. I worked full time until I had kids, was a stay at home mom and now I’m a PT working mom and so far our family unit has not been destroyed. I am probably what would be considered highly educated (MS, JD) but my mind didn’t turn to mush when I was home with the kids and, frankly, I had a lot of fun with them. Sooner than I think, they will be at college and I want to be working when they are, as otherwise I will be bored and will fixate on whatever they are doing. They say I do that already. Live and let live – my favorite moms are the ones who are not sure whether they’ve taken the right path. The ones who are sure they are right always puzzle me.[/quote]
You and I are not far apart at all. If you look back at my posts, you’ll see that I’ve stated that every situation is different, and each family needs to decide what works best for them…that there is no black and white. What I detest is the denigration of women and their *very valuable* contributions to society.