Just trying to add a cautioned perspective to this thread..
I dont really see how it’s fair to talk about people not on this forum as “they” and say they are less intelligent.. the writing isn’t yet on the wall, and if you believe that a housing crash is 100% immiment you’re just as nuts as they are in my opinion.. how can it be 100% when you don’t have much control of the outcome?
What if global warming kicks in and the seawater rises 3 feet.. I wouldn’t mind buying some houses a few blocks off the beach.. those would now be beachfront! There’s almost an unlmited number of outcomes… what if a nuke goes off in New York and people on east coast decide they want to move here.. that would gobble supply right up…
I would be careful not to let ourselves be blinded by the self fulfilling excitement about this forum.. just because you have an opinoin and others agree doesn’t mean it’s the right opinion or definitely going to happen… we’re talking about the future here that involves imagination and imaginary events.