[quote=juice]Someone please tell me why Congress is ‘taking time off’ to recognize a Jewish holiday when our economy is in complete meltdown? Convene Congress, spend the first 10 minutes in silence to recognize the holiday, and then friggin get back to work! Nobody I know gets tomorrow off!
—-> Watching Dodd right now stating, “In the next day or two it is going to be impossible to act”
Since I’m a firm believer in laissez-faire and am convinced any action that congress could take would only inadvertantly throw gasoline on the fire, let’s hear it for Jewish holidays! Can we declare October Gefilte Month and postpone any ill-conceived revival of this disasterous bailout plan? Or better yet, how about a secular month long holiday… I don’t know… Maybe… Constitution Month? Happy Founding Fathers? Yeah, that’s silly. Let’s revive the bailout and call it “Red October”.