[quote=Jacarandoso][quote=faterikcartman]Years ago a friend introduced me to People’s hippie Co-Op in OB. I carefully observed the general health, appearance, and smell of the hippies there and heard their exhortations to eat organic and raw foods. For years now, as a result of those observations, I have restricted my diet to one consisting only of products with at least ten ingredients I cannot pronounce or identify, cooked products, overly processed products, and those containing a reasonably high level preservatives, and meat, preferably red, included in every meal and some between-meal snacks. I remain strong and healthy, with fantastic cholesterol and other blood levels. The hippies I encounter are constantly searching for some new organic or diet craze to cure their malaise and numerous physical and psychological issues. If I didn’t hate them so much I would tell them my secret.[/quote]
I am a lot like you with regards to health, it’s a gift. A lot of those folks at people’s and other health food nuts, had experienced serious illnesses before they took faith and refuge in alternative diets. Until you have walked in their shoes you don’t know.They may be screwed either way. And yes being hygiene challenged is often part of being a hippie, it wasn’t quite universal though.I Loved those hummus and avocado sandwiches with spouts and jack cheese.
Some of you might remember Jimbo working at People’s ? He was a really nice young man… and clean too.[/quote]
Believe me, I have heartfelt sympathy for someone with a legitimate medical issue. My beef is generally with people looking for salvation from a guru, crystals, pyramids, chakras, auras, or earth goddesses via fad health foods. I’ve seen otherwise normal and healthy people adopt a vegan, vegetarian, raw food, or organic everything and no red meat, [fill in the blank] and become generally unhealthy and with a good dose of the crazies. Most everyone here not afflicted knows someone too.
I’m all for balanced. I think too many people who get on these kicks lose that and, IMO, their health suffers.
For the .000000001% who might care we’ve been on what we call a modified Atkins diet for years. We look and feel great and our blood and other tests back that up. We don’t bother with consulting the book or anything like that. We try to eat a lot of veggies and we generally skip breads, pastas, sodas, and food out of a box.
As for Whole Foods, I guess a lot of people got upset when they learned the owner was a capitalist: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204251404574342170072865070.html
Which cracked me up because the prices should have tipped them off years ago. As for me, I think the owner is great and if there were a Whole Foods near me where I could get California grown produce instead of Mexico (especially tomatoes) I would buy them withouthesitationn even if they were expensive.