I’m getting calls back, too. Some places that were contingent went active again and supposedly had back up offers, but still active and not selling.
However, my experience, I’m still seeing impressive optimism w/listings.
For example, one unit that was a short sale was listed in October 2009 for XXX. It went contingent. The appraisal came in low, the prospective buyer pulled out. So it went back on the market. Listed at the same XXX price and still active, not moving. Basically languishing on the market, empty. The owner moved out in November 2009.
A bank took back another unit in the complex and listed it for the same XXX as the unit that’s not sold. The location of this unit has less of a view and closer to the street w/more noise.
I called the realtor and asked if the bank would consider YYY. The realtor said the bank would not reduce the price and if they listed it for YYY, they would have 10 offers in 3 days.
Well, WTH. Then list it for YYY and get the damn thing sold!
It’s like not only do the banks not want to lend, but they want to collect properties and have them rot. Hell bent on a mission to drag this out and prolong a real recovery.
In any case, there is the expected seasonal increase in listings. SDL says 14,927 in the county.