Poor people have to see the flower fields on the evening news, they don’t get to burn $4.00/gallon gas to go see flowers in person, like you, JS.
And in San Diego, there are more poor people every day. Guess what kind of jobs are proliferating in this town? That’s right – low-paying, according to a study out two weeks ago. You used to be able to live here with one job, now you need two or more. Isn’t that what those people who are “conservative with their compassion” call “job growth”? Everybody wants that – NOT.
After seeing that two months of Nostrodamus’ monthly income comes close to the US national ANNUAL median household income, I realized today why I can’t relate to a lot of the posts on this board. We have WAY different perspectives.
By the way, Nostro, I didn’t see “taxes”, or “charitable contributions” in your pie. (Is that your monthly income AFTER taxes?) Glad that you’re proud of your 75% savings rate; it is quite remarkable and undoubtedly the American Dream come true. (I can see how you might choose not to share your prosperity with the less fortunate, but how do you get out of paying taxes?)
If I just could APPROACH that national median income, I might be tempted to stay on here in San Diego; my family home since 1961. If…