I took a quick drive by that place on the way home from work yesterday. I will say that it looks from the outside like the seller may be in a bit of distress. I say this based on the little signs such as, the flower beds are in poor shape and look like they haven’t been mulched in well over a year. There were mushrooms growing throughout a portion of the front lawn. Existing landscaped appeared to be unkept, etc.
That said, I would assume (yes I am assuming here) that if the seller was interested in putting on the best presentation in an effort to overcome the power lines, those issues could be taken care of for under 1k. That says to me they simply don’t have the extra 1k laying around and may really need to sell. I hope thats not the case as I don’t wish home distress on anyone, but that’s my observation.
Piggy backing on that thought, how about the house that sits on the corner of Stonecroft Terrance and Stonebridge Parkway…the power lines literally hang DIRECTLY over top of this persons property. So to go along with the hideous front landscaping they put in, they also have front row seats to the power cables overhanging their lot. Yikes!