I think Obama is charismatic. I’d like to think we are a progressive society, but I lean a little towards LookoutBelow that sadly a Black president is ahead of our times, although right now that’s who I’m inclined to vote for. Same for a woman president. Obama made clear he’s not going to be on any VP ticket. Would she humble herself and be on a VP ticket, if he’d have her, which I doubt.
I was originally considering Hillary b/c I think the Clinton days were good and hoping if she gets in, then maybe we get a little of Bill’s feedback in her decisions. But when she said she was going to freeze interest rates for those subprime borrowers, that did it for me. Give a cookie to those who failed the test and no cookie for those who studied.
I heard on KPBS that government can’t interfere w/contracts and unlikely that what she said was going to happen. Well, she’s no dummy. So I guess she’s just spewing what the majority of people want to hear. So two strikes against her. Now her dirty smear campaign is 3 strikes. She’s out for me.
I was hoping for a Dem b/c 8 years of Rep has done some irREParable damage and I’ve had enough of them. I don’t want to reward them by voting for McCain, although he was the better of the evils out of that bunch, no doubt.