I must confess that it has been mildly entertaining to watch you respond to my posts with one piece of drivel after another, sinking deeper into a vat of ignorance. But having read this I now realize that corresponding with you is an even bigger waste of time than folding roadmaps.
“Ok, I already know this is waaaay out of line, and I still want you to address my last two posts, partypup. However, I have to ask:
a) Are you overweight?
b) Are you in a relationship where you are getting sex on a regular basis? Is it satsifying sex?
You do not have to answer these questions, and if this is offensive to you, I apologize.”
The fact that you even allow for the possibility that these questions are NOT offensive is just…well, extremely telling and chilling. Again, I repeat my call for you to seek professional help.
My turn:
a) Have you ever been hospitalized for a mental illness?
b) Did you graduate from high school?
c) Do you have, or have you ever had, a venereal disease?
e) This boyfriend you speak of — is he deaf AND mentally challenged, or just deaf?