I know somebody who had a tenant who stopped paying and fought eviction in SF. Total cost to landlord in lost rent and legal fees: $30,000.
So this could be very bad. Fortunately the local courts are not anti-landlord as they are in SF.
There are lawyers that do nothing but residential evictions, I suggest one of them.
It may be unpleasant, but the cheapest way to get him out may be to bribe him.
Long term, you can fight and win and get a judgment that includes your lost rent and legal costs (but not legal fees) and if he’s employed garnish is wages.
But he can then leave the state or declare bankruptcy.
Personally I protect myself by requiring first month, last month, and security deposit up front before move-in. And prior landlord references. These types of grifters are unlikely to have all this.
In some areas I’d want an employment history including pay stubs and W2s, but here in OB self employment and trustafarianism are big so that would be too restrictive.