I have a 2/3 stock, 1/3 bond mix, with 2/3 of stock in US and 1/3 international. (Also a small side account I use for my “personal picks”.) All other purchases in low-overhead index funds.
I’m amazed that, given the obvious smarts of people on this web site, that so many are market timers (“I can beat the market”) and so many are undiversified (diversification is the easiest (and nearly cost-free) way to lower your risk/expected return ratio).
The classic book in the field is Malkiel’s “A Random Walk Down Wall Street“. If you’re making critical financial decisions for your own life, you should take the time to read about passive investing, whatever your final decision is. Otherwise, you’re as foolish as people signing mortgage documents (the other big financial decision people make) without reading the contract.