I followed the thread (and its creeping) just fine. It starts with a rant about Republicans, migrates through their dis-satisfaction with Obama’s response to Iran, and quickly moves to Chamberlain and “Do nothing” as if we are suddenly now blundering badly in our foreign policy that evil will spread throughout the world because of our inaction. I followed the thread, but the link from A to B was so weak it needed to be pointed out.
Back to the subject of the thread. Our current President has so many messes to clean up, its hardly the place of the party that created most of those messes to chirp about how poorly he’s doing in cleaning them all up, or how fast. They really do expect us to have a short term memory. We’ll see if we really are better off in four years… after six months we’re still feeling the Bush hangover, while some folks are chanting “have another beer”. Unless its war or a tax cut for the rich, it really has become the party of no.