I don’t like to say this but 1 person in 100,000 understands even the basics of the federal reserve. It can be understood by reading “The creature from jekyyl island” but most people won’t bother. Simply put, the federal reserve is a private company whose major shareholders are unknown but probably own major shares in the largest financial houses in the US and europe (which is why the too big to fail nonsence comes into play), who the us government hands OUR money to, so the fed can give it back to congress to spend and CHARGES US INTEREST ON IT. That’s it. MBA’s, economists majors are clueless to this. If you want to understand the forces behind the movement towards a one world money/socialized government, it is the drive by these handfull of people to control the worlds money supply, which they can do under a strong central government, not a government with strong individual rights. The Bildeburg group, CFR, round table all are privy to this. Sounds like crazy conspiracy talk but educate yourself and try to prove me wrong. I dare you.