I did not mean to demean the job of a domestic engineer at all. My mom was a stay at home mom. My dad was very old-fashioned and traditional. No wife of his was going to work. My mom wanted to. He wouldn’t hear of it. Her sole job was to cook, clean, laudry, iron, vacuum, dust, mop, windows, yard and taking care of us kids. It was more than a full time job. She did it w/love. She was never bored. She always found something to do. Her yard was her hobby. I admire and appreciate all her work. My dad worked constantly. That’s where he thrived. We didn’t have much quality time w/him and that’s a shame. That’s why I say, more important than a house, take time w/the kids, throw a football, or kick a soccer ball, or color w/them. Whatever.
They’re only kids once.