I am 30. I am salaried at $150K+. I have 215 in the bank, and another 250 in other investments. I drive a 10 year old used BMW (M3, definitly a weekend car) that is paid off, live in a nice neighborhood in SF (but only pay 1350 a month including parking) don’t have any credit card debt (I pay them off at the end of the month), and think buying property any time over the next couple of years is the stupidest thing I could do.
I do admittedly spend a lot of money on luxury items, but nothing that I can’t afford. I see a lot of people with nicer cars and flashier stuff than me and I don’t know how they do it. But my goal is to be retired by 45 and do other stuff. I doubt people think that far ahead anymore.
I consider myself not so much an anomaly as a freak of nature.