[quote=Hobie]Compliance with this school policy ensures the district gets reimbursed under the federal nutritious lunch program. Of course, I not thrilled with the fed holding the states over a barrel like this but it is not a new idea and that is a different issue. Same with the parents contacting the idiotic press.
I am however troubled in the way the principal choose to handle it. The kid is in the 3rd grade. Sending her home on detention really doesn’t change behavior. It just escalates the situation.
Hobie, the school administrators misinterpreted the policy. I don’t believe that they should be fired for the idiotic disciplinary action, but I do favor them being demoted (several levels) for lacking the basic reading comprehension skills necessary for their positions. The policy is extremely easy to read and interpret. I’ve attached links to the state policies below.
Agree with your view on the parents contacting the press. I want to call them up and say, “Get over your fear of the principal’s office, and take care of this problem like a responsible adult and parent should.”
But that wouldn’t change a thing. When you compare the gratification of resolving your child’s problems in a calm and mature manner (causing the least amount of trauma to the child) with the instant fame you get from having your kid’s sad face and story smeared all over the news, it’s no contest. Not only that: now Amber will have a leg-up on the other 8- and 9-year-olds in the “Little Miss Perfect” pageants. This story should prove a real 3-handkerchief tear-jerker with the judges.