Hi Marion. The pool has been filled since that photo. My realtor talked to the pool guy, and he said the pool is in great shape – it does have some rust stains on the bottom that need to be addressed – but the pool is also much larger than it looks in the photo.
If anyone is interested, I took a bunch of photos while there yesterday for a friend who couldnt come with me to look at the place.
The selling agent told my realtor that they’ve had “lots of phone calls” from people who want to buy the place. My realtor advised us to make a strong offer – if we were interested – and offer 20% over asking, offer to pay closing costs and ask for 30-day escrow. She told me that she’s already had cases like this where a buyer with cash will swoop in, offer the lowball price and a 5 day escrow and it’s done. She added that the bank is all about “net net” so they will go for the most money. There is no way that we’d do that.