Fortunately for me, I am completely uncultured. When I drink, it’s beer; when I go out, it’s mostly for Mexican food; when I socialize, it’s at gunpoint (I’m mostly antisocial). I’ve done most all the traveling I need to do in my life. I’ve lived in a couple other areas of the nation, I’ve spent years in Asia (speak Chinese) and I have absolutely no desire to see Europe or mingle with Europeans on their home turf. Don’t even ask me about Africa or Russia.
The weather isn’t the thing for me. I surf, my kids live here, my wife’s family is all here, and my business is here. Those connections are why I’m here, and other places simply don’t have it. I have no reason to leave and most every reason to stay. The one thing I dislike the most is the population growth we have here. I’d be really happy if SD County dropped in population by a million or so, but that’s not going to happen so I don’t reckon there’s any point in sweating.
Different strokes. For those of you who aren’t that connected, I can see why you think this place is boring and is completely not worth the hassle.