[quote=flu]”Everyone is prejudice to some extent..One way or another….Anyone who denies that is just full of it..”[/quote]
I think that is true. The key is to be aware of it in your relations with people and try to modulate it as best you can.
I do not agree with any imposed behavior mod program–but educating kids about healthy choices in behavior and in nutrition and exercise is great–at home and reinforced at school.
The two really should go hand in hand. I know and have coached kids whose parents don’t read to them because the parents can barely read themselves and/or they work a lot and aren’t home much with their kids. So it’s great that the kids get reading instruction and reinforcement at school–otherwise they wouldn’t get it anywhere else! So too for good habits–if meals consist of high fat, high calorie foods, then a health class on nutrition in school may be a kid’s only hope.