My outer circle has been feeling it since Christmas – my wife and I are notorious cheapskates, but we did notice the other members of our families being pretty modest with their choice of Christmas presents.
For my family, our finances are actually in pretty good shape. Our employers are doing well, all things considered. With the start of the new year, I was looking to see what expenses we can lower (not much, but it was worth a look – I’m planning to bring my lunches to work, but it’s more because I’m trying to get more work done as opposed to trying to save money). There are things that the wife would definitely like to eliminate (like my monthly comic book run and cable TV), but that’s not going to happen unless we’re in dire straits I told her. Lakers are going deep into the playoffs and there’s just no way I’m missing that this year. 🙂
I do feel that things are really bad out there, but that’s because I read blogs like this and then I start worrying. I have to actually step outside of this blog and look at my situation and realize that at least for me, things are good and that my long range plans are proceeding as planned.
Still, I will admit that I am seeing signs of stress in other people.