I’ll try and find documentation on the 60 day rule for tenants.
I have had numerous converstaions with tenants about your situation. My advice would be to use your training and restrain yourself.
You probably know more about your legal rights than they do. I would keep my cool, but INSIST that your 2 month deposit gets used for FEB & MARCH…
You tell them that you are afraid about getting kicked out soon, and that you will never get your security deposit back from them. (They may be clueless)
AFTER Feb & March are done, tell them that are not willing to pay 100% of your rent. You will do THEM a favor by paying 25% of the current rent, and they can have some money in their pocket rather than having the property sit empty..
KEEP YOUR COOL, come from a position of power. NOBODY is going to move in if you were to vacate (which you don’t want to do) anything that they get will be a bonus to them…
Play your cards right and you will be there for another 6 months and be paying very little.
When all is said and done, feel free to send me a check for 50% of what you saved. My address is available upon request 😉