[quote=cjdairym]That’s good that you’re looking at all options.
Hmm.. I guess your expenses are higher than I thought. Personally, it seems like your savings rate should be higher for the income you have ($8500-$9k/month? net income), but obviously I don’t know all your details.
Yes, CMR has small yards. Though I thought Sabre Springs had small yards too. Don’t most places have HOA (`40/month) and the Poway CFD ($900/year)? Pretty similar that way CMR has.[/quote]
I think that with 2 kids and helping their parents, his expenses are not really that high.
Most of the CMR houses I’ve seen in the 500K range had NO yard – just a patio. Esecially those ones in the Walden complex mentioned in the link. And all I’ve seen in CMR at that price had Melo Roos.
I haven’t visited that many houses in Sabre Springs, but there is a part that does NOT have melo roos. Probably Evening way. And the yards, though not very large, were lot better/bigger than CMR. So I can understand their preference. Particularly with 2 kids, and if they have dog(s), or other outdoor pets.