CardiffBaseball, I’m overly sensitive to traffic violators because in 2005 a lady turned left into a group of cyclists and took out 3 of the 4 riders. I was the lead rider and my left patella was shattered, requiring three surgeries and leaving me 19% permanently impaired in that leg. Lady never saw us and yes, she was on the phone. We had the ‘right of way’ (yep, dead right), but that didn’t help us much. Two of my buddies didn’t fair much better, one getting both arms broken. The lady got a ticket of ‘failing to yeild right of way’. Should have been attempted murder if you ask me. And as to parenting, I would probably suck as a parent. But, I don’t have any children. I just critique other parents. Kind of like watching a chess game, looking over the player’s shoulder you see all the moves they are missing.