Do yourself the favor of watching the whole 20 min.
My daughter watched this in school today. We had a talk about this.
Utter propaganda…very little truth…mostly assumption…and thought manipulation for young minds. The facts in this video are so far off…Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
Watch the whole thing if you can.
The Whole World is Changing…[/quote]
Just watched the entire thing. No doubt, it is “propaganda” in that they are trying to get people to behave a certain way. It does indeed come across as politically biased.
That being said, what part of the video (emotions aside) do you disagree with?
Personally, I tend to agree with everything that was said in the video.[/quote]
“Emotions” aside, I disagree with everything EXCEPT the “planned obsolescence” part of the spiel.
The facts, were not facts. Plain and simple. I can’t list them all right now and discuss each and every point….only because its late and I need to hit the sack…but in general, this should not be presented to youngsters, only because so many of the points stated as fact are not facts,…but instead “opinions” offered by a left leaning writer/speaker.
…But kids don’t know that.
But I’m glad you took the time to watch the whole thing.