CAR, I have one kid who was always heavier than the other(s) all during K-12 and who I thought had the same diet as the rest of us …. until I realized when they were elem-school age that they were “sneaking” cheese slices and other fairly caloric things out of the frig daily, lol …. anything NOT eaten in moderation will pile on the calories.
They’re in their late 20’s now and after running after buses and Caltrain and also walking dogs (or dogs walking them, lol) up/down SF’s steep hills for 10+ years, shopping at a newer nearby Whole Foods (and taking their lunch to work) and getting their own personal (military-type) trainer down the street in recent years, they’re looking pretty buff of late 🙂
Achieving sensible weight and, ultimately, fitness CAN happen, even to someone who has heavy bones and was “thick” all of their lives. 90% of the psychological effort in achieving this goal is “just getting down to the gym for `face time'” and “just `doing it’.” Sometimes kids have to grow up and get sick of their shape enough to take action on it. No one else can do it for them.
Yes, genes DO play a role in a persons shape, bone density and metabolism. I’m not that short but I’m built like a female version of scaredy cat, and, like him, I’m looking quite a bit more “buff” in my old age. I didn’t get that way by sitting here typing blog posts for ya’ll to munch on (as much as I like to :))