Both parties have radical elements. Both parties have those who have those who buy into extreme ideas and conspiratorial theories.
However, there is a difference between the parties with regard to extremism. The Republicans don’t put those types in positions of power. The Democratic party being lead by Obama, Reid and Pelosi embraces extremism and even puts the like of Van Jones and others in charge of vast sums of money.
Obama asked that we judge him by the company he keeps close around him. So far that is getting more disturbing by the day.
Obama’s botched choices for cabinet positions (folks with tax issues and the like)and his reliance on czars demonstrates he and his staff are in over their heads. It has raised more questions about Obama’s real beliefs not the ones he implied while running for president.
Obama’s relies on campaign instead of administration. He’s given more speeches, been on more talk shows and given more soft interviews than any president in my life time and he’s only been in office less than eight months. That has demonstrated what many but apparently not enough of us understood prior to his election. That is that he had no executive experience and that he doesn’t know how to do anything but campaign.
Obama’s ties to folks having extreme positions should have been common knowledge. It also should have been all over the front pages of the papers and lead the nightly news but that story was mostly ignored by the media. If it wasn’t ignored we would all have known that he himself actually held many of these same positions.
Many in the media ignored Obama’s past and his views because of their blind hate of our previous president. The media and Obama took advantage of many voters who have short attention spans or who were unwilling to do what it took to know who or what they were really voting for last November.
We are now watching this country take a huge step toward even a more massive government which will operate in the favor of those who don’t work, who are not citizens or who belong to either our ruling class or unions.
These folks now running our country know many voters only have a long enough attention span to take in themes and slogans such as; “Hope and Change” and “Yes, we can”. They know the pickings were easy if you knew how to not let a good catastrophe go to waste.
Lastly, as to the Freedomworks demonstration this past weekend in DC. I watched about a half an hour of the event on C-Span. The speakers were normal folks with normal concerns. Those who spoke weren’t extremists. They didn’t want more taxes or more government. They worked and took responsibility for their own children and their own health care. They didn’t want our economy stifled by “Cap (tax) and trade”, misguided “Stimulus” programs or takeovers of the private sector.
They also didn’t like any of their very valid concerns being characterized as veiled racism.