Well, the $380K smaller twinhome (but bigger private yard) UCGal posted has $303 monthly dues and the $365K unit in SR has $243 mo dues. $60 difference in dues but the gas and time savings are significant on the UC property. She also stated it’s in the Curie attendance area (API 950). I don’t know if the elem schools in SR can beat that.[/quote]
Yes they can. Dingeman is one of those. And in Scripps is pretty easy to transfer between different elementary schools; all of them are very good. Jerabek is 935, Miramar Ranch (where the townhouses we talked about would go) is just over 900. Where SR schools surpass the UC ones are the middle (924 vs 860) and high school. UC high API is under 800, while SR high is 875, a significant difference IMO. Now, if that’s worth the extra commute, it’s up to each individual case. If equal house payments (+fees) in UC and SR and equal houses (size/age/rooms) – I may stay in UC for convenience. If I get more in terms of house, or lower payments in SR, I may be more inclined to choose SR… It all depends from case to case, what one likes and is comfortable to compromise…