At least 50 % of the price of gasoline is due to speculation and has nothing to do with the true demand for oil. It blows my mind that just these few people were allowed to make the entire country poor so that they could get very, very rich. It also blows my mind that these people get rich then have the nerve to ask for taxpayers’ money when they are in financial trouble.
This part of your manifesto detracts from the issue of housing. The notion that a few people speculating in oil pushed the price up by 50% is unfounded. Further, the idea that these few people are making the entire country poor while making themselves very, very rich is sophomoric.
I think you are wasting your time, but generally it is better to have a succinct two-paragraph explanation of the issue.
Also, letters to congresspersons should never include the phrase “blows my mind” more than once.