As an urban dweller I feel very confident suburbia is not going to die. Far flung places overbuilt during speculative booms may suffer for a while but there are too many things that will drive people to the burbs.
1) lower cost of housing. As people move closer the prices fall in outer areas. Demand will eventually meet the cheaper supply.
2) population is increasing, even if that is undesireables.
3) commuting prices will plummet when the electric car changeover occurs.
4) telecommuting gets easier everyday
5) suburbs continue to grow and generate local jobs.
6) if poverty sets in the govt pumps welfare payments into the area…those homes will not stay vacant for long. There is always a mexican who would prefer to live in a nice Temecula subdivision with section 8 rather than having to work for a living in Mexicali.
7) cities continue to do stupid things and cater to criminals which send people into gated communities or out to the burbs.
8) businesses will locate in low cost areas that have the basic infrastructure in place.
9) Unless massive depopulation occurs (like Detroit burbs) the burbs will be just fine.