As a thread-jacking, I am nearly complete on a 3 trip visit to TJ for Dentistry.
I didn’t have the cash anyway so it’s all being charged. 15 years of no visits to the Dentist will end up costing me about $2300-$2400.
– Two Root Canals, both needed Post, and Crowns.
– 4 or 5 Cavities that need filling
– Deep cleaning to rid get rid of the tartar buildup
– Another $200 or so to drill out and see if the last tooth was saveable or needed extraction, (close but root canal/crown was chosen).
So again the lack of visiting is on me.
What prompted this was my La Costa area dentist declaring I needed root-canal/post/crown bridge on two teeth, one of which had split. Obviously that needed crowned. These two teeth were going to be $2700 with insurance. If I add the cavities, deep cleaning and other side of my mouth I am well over $5000 now to get things right. So the TJ dentist saved me in a) saying the tooth did not need root-canal bridge ($1350 savings), and b) his costs were of course much lower.
No complaints, all pain is gone and I am waiting for the second crown, and to finish cleaning next week.
I enjoyed the procedure so much I am going to go down and get my nasty looking Varicose Vein done once I find a doc with some decent reviews. It’s terribly unsightly, and frankly causes me to wear jeans at times when I should have on shorts (i.e. when coaching). I understand that cleaning them up is much more simple than it used to be.
Back to the Dentist is us ADA certified and lives and has an office in Chula Vista as well. He said some of his clients simply don’t care about the savings in Mexico, so they stay stateside.