And no, flu, I don’t think the fat kid should just go lose weight. You’re missing the point. No one should be picking on anyone for any reason.
The fat kid obviously has issues somewhere just like the (potentially, depending on age) gay kid does (regardless of orientation, the gay kid is going to have emotional issues about how he is dealt with by society just like the fat kid will). But it would be in the fat kid’s interest to get healthy. The ugly kid…sorry, wear a mask? (kidding!)
But really, it’s not who or what these kids are but how other kids are conditioned to deal with them that is the issue. If a kid is disfigured by fire or birth defect, kids will be naturally inquisitive and might stare or ask questions. It’s up to adults to teach them that being curious is ok but poking fun or saying mean things is not.
With that said, I think I am going to go for a run and have a salad for lunch!