It would be interesting to sit down and have a beer some time with you. You do seem better versed on a lot of the subjects than most people I chat with.
Interestingly enough, I have a copy of the SWM sitting on my desk right now. I got it while a student at the USMC Command and Staff College. Although I find some of the pictures of the proper way to pack your mule amusing, most of the info is spot on and still applicable today. Some of it has been of use and used in the past few years.
I spent a few years in South and Central Am. but tended to be a bit further south in Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Peru and even Ecuador. I almost got an all expense paid trip to Honduras but never to Guat and I’m OK with that…
Hey, if your friend speaks Pashtun that is great but if he can speak Pashtu-Dharri that is even better. It is a royal pain finding someone to translate that stuff.
Be well.
Hey, what’s this thing I hear about a housing bubble anyway….