[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=jficquette]
In my mind going shopping is a personal errand. I have also seen them parked in a bank’s parking lot.
For every truck I see with lights flashing I see 10 going shopping.
If being on call is so important then they need to stay in the fire house and bring food with them when they get on shift.
John, I don’t think you read CAR’s post above completely. Firemen do spend up to 24hrs at a stretch in the firehouse, and they cook/eat as a team, using the kitchen in the firehouse to do so. Therefore, they provision accordingly, which means shopping, which means they bring the fire truck shopping. I’m not sure what point you’re making here, or if you’re just nit-picking. It makes perfect sense and it isn’t a waste of taxpayer dollars, given their operating requirements.
Out of curiosity, have ever served in the military or law enforcement, and have you participated in a team sport? Like I said, just curious.[/quote]
If I had been in Law Enforcement I wouldn’t be complaining about how over paid they are lol.
I just resent using a vehicle that costs approx $10 a mile to operate being used for personal errands.
No reason why it has to be that way. Can’t they try and be efficient at something?