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15 years ago

Interesting chart – it
Interesting chart – it invites correlating the sales per default with the rising prices.

15 years ago
Reply to  Fearful

I still think it would be
I still think it would be very illuminating to see a chart that breaks down the NOD’s by loan amount. This data must exist somewhere. I’ve asked Mr Mortgage, but he does not answer me. Perhaps this is very valuable info and only the illuminati are allowed access? But all the Piggies on this site that are chomping at the bit to see higher priced homes start to come down would probably like to see this as well? I know I would.

15 years ago
Reply to  peterb

Peter,Months of inventory by
Peter,Months of inventory by price give a similar clue. It goes up as price goes up.Of course, there are variables as to how problematic that is or isn’t but it isn’t an indicator of strength at this time. Unfortunately I don’t know where those charts are.

Here is an article in which a realtor speaks to some the current downside issues on higher priced homes. Most of this get bandied around here, but he has his view nicely organized too. Sorry no mention of the macroeconomic situation.

15 years ago
Reply to  NotCranky

Yes, the higher end is
Yes, the higher end is stalling, but knowing how much of them are under stress to liguidate is the real question. Although I have to believe that most would not even attempt to sell in this market unless they were in a “forced” position.

But NOD’s are of extreme relevance since most now turn into REO’s. And thus, the ultimate forced position in the market. Seeing NODs by loan amount will give us a pretty good idea of what’s coming to the market in 6 to 9 months. I think. If Mr Drysdale is correct about his inside information, a tsunami is coming.

15 years ago
Reply to  peterb

I see what you are saying
I see what you are saying Peter. That was a very interesting post he made.

15 years ago
Reply to  Rich Toscano

I’m trying to think where
I’m trying to think where this data would be kept. Frannue and Freddie are probably not going to have it as the $ amounts are above their limits. So perhaps these are kept as portfolio loans and parts of other holdings? But odds are good they’re serviced by a hand full of service companies that know the data. How available is this data? I think one may need to be a bit of an insider to get it. Anyone out there know this?

15 years ago
Reply to  peterb

Isn’t this exactly the sort
Isn’t this exactly the sort of thing you would find on RealtyTrac?

15 years ago
Reply to  massey


15 years ago

This related news
This related news article…

leads to…

…who probably have the data you’re after.