4S Ranch is your best bet by far. You may be able to get into a small SFH for 550K (Garden Walk). In addition, to being a very family oriented community the whole community is engineered to withstand firestorms like San Diego recently experience. 4S have same climate as Carmel Valley, Schools which are equal, and cost significantly less for the same sq/ft in a SFH. With the extension of Carmel Valley Road through 4S you are no about 2-3 minutes farther from the beach or La Jolla than you would be from Carmel Valley. Also no small benefit . . . . Temecula is way to far. Your husband who works in La Jolla will be chained to his car for 3 hrs a day if you buy in Temecula and work in La Jolla. I would not condemn him to that torture (3 hrs a day in SD traffic).