My experience with ACA so far. The company decided to terminate the small group plan last Fall. Instead everyone signed up for insurance through Covered CA. The company is paying for it. I picked Blue Shield Platinum PPO plan (the only one among the gold/platinum plans accepted at Scripps as far as I could tell) and the mandatory dental for the kids. Covered CA is still showing both when I log in.
It took about a month to receive anything from the insurer, but I eventually received my account #. I log in and the kids dental is not listed. After spending almost 5 hour on hold I get to talk to a rep who tells me Covered CA did not pass along the dental info, I have to talk to them. After another couple of hours on hold I got to talk to a Covered CA rep who tells me they have no idea why that happened, but they will send the info again. It will take few weeks.
I received nothing, so after few weeks I log into the BSC portal to find out that the payment portal is no longer working (for me). I fill out the form and receive a call from a rep after less than an hour. The rep tells it is a technical issue and she can’t help me with it, but she can take the payment. She says I owe February and March. I tell her the corporate account has been charged for February and March. She checks another report and that report is showing no payment whatsoever, not even the initial payment the other report is showing. She has to check something with someone and she will call me back.