Thanks again for all the input guys.. much to think about..
I guess the Temecula discussion will continue on.
I have been offered the position..I just have to decide if I’m going to take it.
A big part of that decision depends upon where we live and if my commute will be tolerable or not. My number one priority is to be around my daughters as much as possible and a super long commute will dampen those prospects.
Like others, I want great schools, safe areas, people who value their community, clean air, access to conveniences and amenities ( my wife does like big box stores! ) and safe open spaces for my kids and dogs to enjoy the outdoors.
No matter where we live, we do not succumb to Affluenza and have no need to keep up with the Jones’. We drive >10 year old japanese cars and shop at Target and value a sense of community and people’s values over their material possessions.
Hopefully we can find an area where those are valued as well 🙂
Thanks again!