[quote=earlyretirement]It just seems like sometimes you have an almost hatred for this area. Or at the very least, stern disdain for the area.[/quote]
I don’t know where you read that here. I posted recently that I viewed ALL the SantaLuz videos on a thread you posted and really liked it! I especially liked the elevation and the round lots with pano views.
HOWEVER, I don’t like the way the city/county has allowed the developers for rest of your zip code to sandwich in 9-10 units per AC in most tracts and charge ~$600K to $1.3M? for each unit, LOL. From the aerial view, some tracts’ houses/PUDS don’t even appear to have enough setback to park a typical 15-16′ long mid-size or full-size vehicle in the driveway (without it hanging over the sidewalk and curb).
This phenomenon isn’t exclusive to 92127. Subdivisions in 91914 and 91915 are notorious for this type of ultra-crowded (what I call “listen-to-your-neighbor’s-toilet-flush”) construction. And just try to pass another car going the opposite direction on one of these streets after dark, when they are lined from end to end with parallel parked cars. You have to slow down to 5 mph and hope you don’t bump rear-view mirrors with the oncoming vehicle!
The developers gypped many of these buyers paying Big Bucks and the Highest MR In The County out of a standard city lot and a standard setback and got away with it. Ask yourself how that happened.
But the buyers continued to swarm in, only to get ripped off in MR overpayments and in the misuse of their MR funds.
It’s astounding to me.
But as you said, ER, a lot of people really don’t care about all these messy, boring details. They think they have bought into a particular lifestyle and for as long as it lasts, they’re going to keep on keepin’ on :=0