flu, I don’t personally know how SDUSD or DMUSD handle their transferring administrators and teachers, but CVESD and SDUSD move their principals from their post every 2-3 years … like clockwork. This is “common practice” in Districts all over the state!
Don’t take it personally. Principals need to experience running as many schools as possible in the District in the course of their career. Principals and teachers work for a DISTRICT and are at their behest (with union-negotiated ability to “pick assignments” based upon level of seniority). School office and lay employees work for the DISTRICT but typically stay at at the school where they began employment for the District as they are lesser-paid and typically live in the attendance area of their “home school.” However, these employees have the right to put in for a transfer to another school in the District if they wish to and there is an opening for them.
No parent can fix this. They need to suck it up and live with it. In your case, your kid has a l-o-o-ong way to go yet in the public school system.