Thanks for the kind words, KIBU. I do find the continuous accusation that the MSM “suppresses” news that is “unfavorable to liberals” or “favorable to conservatives” quite disturbing. The spreading of this falsehood by vested interests, and its uptake by their followers has led to the current reality that people are creating their own “alternate realities” from rumors that are passed from one source to another, and then complaining that the press is suppressing the “true story”.
When I evaluate the profound change that has taken place in our culture over the past 15 years, I am shocked and saddened by what we have allowed to slip away, and by what we have helped to develop in its place.[/quote]
eavesdropper, did you also notice that those same people who despise the MSM are people who long for the good ‘ol days of the 1950s when the 3 big broadcast networks were exclusive source of news for most Americans?
I had, indeed, brian. In fact, I’ve noticed, for several years now, the emphasis on image in far right politics. That sounds ridiculous, because politics is all image, all the time. But there really is this need to turn everything and everyone into this fantasy “Pleasantville” scenario.
I really have to laugh when people send me emails that have a list of what is supposed to be the realities of today compared with our existence in the 1950s. And they’ll add a little note about how wonderful they were, and everybody was prosperous and happy, and how we took our Constitutional freedoms for granted.
I always respond with a note that points out that some Americans don’t recall the 1950s in precisely the same way, and I insert the famous photos of African-American citizens being assaulted by police with fire hoses, or beaten by crowds as the local sheriff looks on from the side. For particularly persistent relatives, I include an autopsy photo of Emmett Till.