Walt – keeping your kid/s on track academically is a constant battle for some. Our 18 year old fought his way through HS and had no chance of getting into a university right off the bat. But, he really wants to go to college. So, he’s in community college and as soon as humanly possible he’ll transfer over to a univ. But, he needed a lot of coaching and prodding. And, he had some challenges (English was a second language, went to an academically tough HS, and wasn’t particularly great with math and the hard sciences…). But, we are glad that he has the drive and initiative to keep pressing forward.
Like a 7 10 split, we just recently had another child (now 4 months old) and will be starting all over again.
Reasons to have children? Its not for everyone – if you can’t do without your freedom, autonomy, and sleep, then maybe kids aren’t in your future.
A quote from Cosby – Having a baby is one of the most wonderfully irrational things a couple can do….
Someone I discussed it with (a woman) told me, its 80% work, 20% fun. She was an accountant, so I didn’t challenge her percentages – figured that as a mother and and accountant, she’d be right on the money with her figures.
But, if you desperately want children in your life, and can make time and money to raise them, you’ll love it and be glad you did. Plus, with any luck, you’ll have someone to help look after your sorry ass when you become and old geezer (maybe the most compelling reason – self interest 😀 )