[quote bearishgurl]Agreed. uco, I like your anal-retentive style :=][/quote]
Thanks. I have learned to be scarily anal-retentive (I hope there are not any physical side effects). I am an EECE by trade and schooling, currently mostly software, but my relatives on the father side are all attorneys. My SO is a corporate paralegal… I AM SURROUNDED.
Currently, having been laid off, and then brought back ‘hourly’ or PTOC but doing full time hours. I have been toying with the idea of either getting the MBA or going the legal route. Some of the games I am seeing being played out there, are pushing me to the legal route. It is almost like a ‘self defense’ reaction.
I really think that “frenchlambda” needs to see a good attorney (not the attorney who did the divorce though).