Please, staged “feel good” events was a forte of the Bush administration. The failing of Saddam’s statue was completely staged. The Pat Tillman story was completely made up. The Jessica lynch drama came out to be completely made up.
And all those are reactionary and opportunistic events. No one planned for a football star to enlist, go to a remote place and get killed. But when it happened few tried to cover their asses or derive some value from the vent. Similarly, Jessica Lynch was not hijacked by TPTB’s agents in order to provide media with two days worth of noise.
An assembly of humans invisible to all but few pigs, capable of staging events that span decades and involve hundreds is less real than the proverbial bearded guy in the sky.
A semi-retired CIA rogue got offed. People from Drudge to Jon Stewart to Obama will milk it for all it’s worth. And that’s it.