ucodegen, not that I disagree with you, but your argument will fall on deaf ears on this one.
What becomes increasingly clear is not that they have no problem with O’Donnell’s power or any senators power to legislate their values, they are just angry at the specific values themselves. They are not angry at the fact that her views have no place in a discourse about government. They want too wish to implement their own views of society and legislate them down.
In the place of legislating God in society and education, they want to legislate secular humanism…
But what we should ask ourselves is why the government has a say in the matter at all. Using the government as a weapon against religion is as dumb as using government as a weapon against degrading social values. The federal governments constitutional role is one limited to very few things (not that anyone cares any more). As stated in the 10th amendment…
“The powers not (specifically) delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
If we stick with a limited government, both stripes of fascists, have no leg to stand on. And People get to do what the hell they want with the life and property they earned. When people 3k miles away, Christine O’Donnell included, have their dirty fingers in every aspect of our life, We are screwed. And the corporations and public unions can go on screwing us with their help.