I should have noted as well that the fashionable “living document” view of the Constitution results in a finding by many federal judges that gay marriage is protected in the Constitution as well as abortion — even though they are not even mentioned. And many federal judges believing the Constitution does not give the people the right to keep and bear arms — even though it says that explicitly.
So we find ourselves in a situation where are so-called “rights” are transitory and illusory. Subject to change year to year depending on the desires of people in black robes — not the people or their representatives. So why would anyone bother to amend the Constitution if even plain words may be twisted by a judge the next day to mean something different?
As for republicans being anti-intellectual, I don’t want to get stuck defending the current crop in congress. But I will note that conservative (I hate that term. They are really classical liberals — meaning actually liberal — generally, while those labeled “liberal” are generally fascist and want to control what you say, think, and do, right down to your diet and choice of light bulbs.) books are often bestsellers. Liberal books don’t really sell at all.
I think it just may be true that intellectuals are readers while anti-intellectuals are probably not.
But I don’t find the sales numbers surprising. I think liberals generally fall into three categories — wealthy elites who don’t buy their own BS; looters who want handouts taken from the labour of someone else; and useful idiots — the vast majority. None of these groups hold their beliefs — generally — because of deep intellectual inquiry. They either want to get more money or power, a handout from the first group, or are just parroting what the nightly news and their college professors told them was good and evil.
I mentioned my wife in my last post for a reason. I think there are many people out there who question the company line put out by the mainstream media but are cowed into silence by those who would suggest their stupid, anti-intellectual, or just mean spirited. I am here to tell you that there are men and women out there who have reached the pinnacle of academic and professional excellence who are classical liberals (or what the mainstream media would label right wing extremists). You are not crazy, they are.
I’m sorry Christine O’Donnell is not the most polished or ready for prime time candidate — but she has the right idea. I, for one, am ready for some absolute beginners who at least have the right ideas at heart. Currently we have an absolute beginner at the top who has anything but the best intentions for America — unless you think the best thing for America is to be no more prosperous, influential, or powerful, than any random third-world country. In that case, you’ve found your guy.