Any discerning reader worth her salt will read this article and get the general impression that the housing market, and the economy in general, is like a heaping spade full of cow dung about to be shoveled into a roaring fan that is pointed in the direction the shoveler.
What I find astonishing is the fact that a Bloomberg-level reporter is still allowed to report the National Association or Realtor’s (NAR’s) figures on home prices without factoring a little thing called INFLATION!!!
I am a newbie when it comes to this stuff; yet even I know enough to at least point out the effects of inflation. I would do this in a fashion that is analogous to every Tom-and-Jane newspaper article on housing that gives the definition of the median price in an effort to keep the attention of all the new middle school-level readers that are looking for a reason to drop their newspaper and see if Paris Hilton’s boobs jiggle as she is escorted into jail (again).
Is Bloomberg hiring? I think they can do a lot better than this.