T-Guy – we do agree. I said get rid of the TV, not the computer. However, I did refer to the hypnotization of little ones playing the portable handheld devices. From what I can deduce they aren’t learning to conceptualize nor are they learning to interact, and lack of those skills overrides any factoids they learn. I think children would ultimately be so much more advanced if the parents would play the same games with them instead of letting the portable handheld device do the work. Children learn mechanical skills very quickly; it’s conceptualization and reasoning that take time.
As far as technology for the elderly, that’s a matter of “Who Moved My Cheese”, aka change or die. I find many older people to be resistant to everything involving change, not just technology. That resistance becomes cemented into most people over time. Scary to think of oneself becoming that way.
Of course my child is exceptional :)) As are yours:)) As are the other posters’ children :)) Seriously, I think the majority of posters to this site do have exceptional children because contrarian parents tend to engender superior intellect in their offspring.