You still did not take ownership of your statement. Would you support policies which may lead to your children to inherit a lower standard of living and possibly poverty based on our current standards of living? Yes or no would suffice.[/quote]
I know it’s rude, but I’m going to butt in here. Could you provide a specific example of such a policy, past or present? It’s a little ambiguous as you’ve worded the question. I don’t have kids and will not have them, but I am curious as to what policies, exactly, you’re getting at.[/quote]
Rather than quote a policy I will post Brian’s original comment.
Not if you look at all humans equally.
From a world humanitarian perspective, as long as more people are being lifted out of poverty than fall into poverty, then the system is working.
If 10 million Americans fall into poverty, but 100 million Chinese gain education and a “middle-class” life, it’s a net positive gain for humanity.
Actually, if Americans can no longer afford “Carlsbad-like” neighborhoods and everything in San Diego deteriorates to “El Cajon-like” and people have to move to apartments, it still won’t be the end of the world.[/quote]
He stated that he would support economic and tax policies which would in fact lead to the decline in relative wealth and quality of living for 10 million American’s. To me this is crazy our government is in power to preserve our nations wealth, not “spread the wealth around” IMHO.